Why isn’t my answer high-quality and comprehensive enough?

For more detailed, comprehensive answers, increase the References to 300 and try changing the model to GPT-4o or 3.5 Sonnet.


Can I ask follow-up questions?

Coral AI does not reference information from previous messages when generating a response. Each message you send needs to have all the context needed. To ask a follow-up question follow the steps in our tutorial.

Why won’t the AI read my file? Can I upload scanned documents?

Coral AI will not be able to read your file if they are scanned files and you do not check the OCR checkbox when uploading them.

To check whether your document is a scanned file, open the document and try to search for a word.

Screenshot 2024-10-25 at 2.53.39 PM.png

If you’re able to search for and highlight a word, your document is not a scanned file.

If you’re not able to search for and highlight a word, your document is scanned, and you need to check the OCR box when uploading the file.

Be mindful of documents that are a combination of scanned text and digital text.

Screenshot 2024-10-25 at 2.55.10 PM.png

AI Weaknesses