Use this checklist for writing high quality prompts:

1. Clarity: Avoid vague language. General prompts get you broad responses; specific prompts give you more detailed answers.

Vague prompt: "Can you help me understand how to start a garden?"

Improved prompt: "What are the first 3 steps to starting a vegetable garden?"

Vague prompt: "What are some good spots in Japan?"

Improved prompt: "What are the best places to visit in Japan during spring if you love nature?"

2. Simplicity: Use straightforward, simple language. Break down complex queries into several separate prompts.

Main question: "Describe the process of wine-making in detail."

Sub-questions: "What are the steps in wine-making?", "How does fermentation work?", "What factors affect the flavor of wine?"

3. Context: Provide all necessary details in each prompt (Coral AI does not take context from previous responses).

4. Brackets: Use brackets to give specific guidance.

"[Translate the following sentence to Spanish informally.] How’s it going?”

5. Refine: Iterate on the prompt if you’re not satisfied with the initial response. Try experimenting with different lengths and sentence structures.

Be sure to verify important information by clicking on the page number below the response.

Keep experimenting and improving your prompts for the best results!