Tag documents that you’ve uploaded to your Coral AI Dashboard and chat with groups of tagged documents.

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Editing Tags


Add New Tags

To add a new tag, click the tag button next to the document you want to work with, type your tag word, and press the Return/Enter key. After you’ve finished adding your tags, click “Save Changes.”

Bulk Add New Tags

You can bulk add tags by clicking the checkbox next to each document you’d like to work with then clicking “Tag Documents” in the bottom right hand corner.

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Delete Tags

To delete a tag, click the x on a tag. After you’ve finished deleting your tags, click “Save Changes.”

Search Tags

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You can search tags by clicking “Chat Group.” Type the tag you’re looking for into the search box or find it on the drop-down menu.

Chat With Tag Groups


You can also chat with groups of documents that all share the same tag.