A literature review is a comprehensive summary and analysis of existing research on a specific topic. It's an important part of academic writing, typically found in dissertations, theses, and research papers.

Here's what it involves:

  1. Surveying: Gathering relevant publications (books, articles, papers) in your field.
  2. Synthesizing: Combining the information to form a clear picture of current knowledge.
  3. Critically analyzing: Identifying trends, gaps, and controversies in the existing research.
  4. Contextualizing: Placing your own research within the broader academic conversation.

Why Do a Literature Review?

Now, imagine doing all of this with the help of AI. That's where Coral AI comes in.

Coral AI

Coral AI is a game-changing tool that lets you chat with your PDFs. It's like having a super-smart research assistant who's read all your papers and can answer questions about them instantly.

How Does It Work?

  1. Upload your PDFs: Coral AI works with research papers, books, and more.
  2. Ask questions: Type in your questions about the papers, just like you're chatting with a friend.
  3. Get answers: Coral AI searches through the papers and gives you relevant info and quotes.